INTUIT: Tapping Into Your Intuition


We’re all familiar with that ‘feeling’. It’s a sign that the universe is trying to get our attention — it’s called intuition.


Learning to listen to that feeling can be life-changing.


Intuition can show up in regards to major life events or it can be a subtle nudge towards something simple like if you’d rather have sushi or a bowl of cereal for dinner.


Either way cultivating this internal compass is something I think you will find helpful in creating a life that feels aligned, grounded and purposeful.


Today, we delve deeper into how your intuition works and ways you can tap into it.


What’s the Science Behind Your Intuition?


According to science, your intuition is a cognitive process where the brain uses past experiences and signals from your body and environment to make a decision. This decision happens so quickly that your conscious mind doesn’t have a chance to process it.


Your intuition is a powerful gift that helps keep you safe. In Intuitive HealingJudith Orloff, M.D. asserts that by listening to the signs from our intuition, we can detect illness and prevent physical signs before they appear.


Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition


We all have intuition, but not all of us are attuned to it. Look at it as a muscle that should be worked out to become stronger. 


Here are a few ways you can strengthen your intuition:




Your intuition speaks when you are still and have a clear mind. Meditation allows you to slow down and hear your inner guide. 


Take a few moments to breathe and find your center. Become aware of any sensations you have in your body. Increasing your mindfulness will raise your sensitivity to your intuition.


Your meditation doesn’t have to be lengthy — a few minutes a day is enough to tap into your inner voice and notice clear messages – you can reference my quick chakra meditations on my IGTV for instant access to a more mindful moment.


Pay Attention to Your Dreams


Your subconscious is where your intuition thrives. When you’re sleeping, your subconscious mind takes over. 


That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the symbolism in your dreams. Keep a journal next to your bed so you can jot down any motifs or themes — they may have significance in your waking life. 


Listen to Your Gut


Your intuition lies in your gut — literally. Your gut is lined with a web of neurons that is referred to as the “second brain". So when something gives you a sick feeling in your stomach, chances are your intuition is trying to tell you something.


Test Your Gut Feelings


Once you get a gut feeling about something, write it down and check it later. Doing this will help you to identify when your intuition is speaking. 


Think Less


Your mind is always at work overthinking and arguing with itself. Your intuition, however, feels. We often confuse our fearful thoughts with our intuition. But try to distinguish whether you’re thinking or feeling.


Use Oracle Cards

Tarot and oracle cards aren’t just for psychics or people with a special gift. You can use them to strengthen your power of discernment. 


Here’s a quick beginners guide to using cards to test your discernment:


●     Take a moment to quiet your mind and ground yourself. 

●     Think about what you want guidance on and form a question around it.


●     Take your deck of cards and feel their energy. Shuffle them for a bit until you feel complete.


●     Cut the deck into three piles and then restack them into a single pile. 


●     Spread the cards out and hover your hand over them until you feel the urge to pull and choose a card — this is your intuition at work. 


●     Once you’ve pulled a card or multiple cards, let your intuition interpret the message. What do you feel it means?


●     Write down your intuitive message in a journal and come back to it later. 


Listen to Your Body


Listening to your intuition starts with learning to listen to your body. Become aware of what you feel. Throughout the day take a few moments to pause and listen deeply. What does your body need? What type of healing does it want?


Let Go of Judgments


Our judgments can often cloud our discernment. For example, you may meet someone who looks like a nice person, but your gut says otherwise. Although your mind may list all the reasons why this person is good try to lean more into your intuition. 


Trusting Your Inner Voice is a Practice


Listening to your inner guide takes practice. Your intuition is constantly battling with your emotions and thoughts, so it sometimes goes unnoticed. But by following the tips mentioned here, you’ll be more connected with your spirit and your inner knowing.


If you liked this article I think you would enjoy Energy Healing Explained & My Chakra Guide Book: REBALANCE that you can download HERE


Let me know your experiences with intuition on Instagram @healthbycandice – Do you feel like you have a strong intuition or do you feel blocked? Do you have a powerful story of when listening to your intuition paid off? I want to hear your experiences


With love, Candice