Unleashing Divine Feminine Energy


When people talk about feminine energy and the divine feminine in particular, they often make it seem like it’s a state of being only for super enlightened women.

 But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

As a matter of fact we all possess divine feminine energy — and with that any and all of us have the ability to tap into the juicy energy.

Tapping into this bright energy allows us to vibrate on a higher level, attract abundance and be in the flow of life.

If you’re ready to learn more about divine feminine energy and how you can capture it through self-care, keep reading. 


What is Divine Feminine Energy?


The divine feminine comes from the spiritual concept that our consciousness is divided into two parts: masculine and feminine — or yin and yang. 


The masculine side of our consciousness connects to progression, evolution, logic, assertiveness, and power. The feminine side of our consciousness associates with wisdom, intuition, receiving, nurturing, and healing. 


Many people believe that the divine feminine is essential for eliminating negativity and bringing homeostasis to a male dominated society that we have lived in for thousands of years.


Here’s what you can gain from awakening the divine feminine in you:


●     Higher perception 

●     More Flexibility

●     Increased self-compassion

●     Heightened connection with your sensuality

●     Increased pleasure

●     Reduced anxiety

●     A deeper connection to your sense of self 


Here are a few ways you can experience these benefits: 


Find A Creative Outlet

The divine feminine energy is all about playfulness. When you’re engaging in an activity that is fun and feels effortless, you’re channeling your inner feminine energy.


Creative things like cooking, painting, singing, writing, or drawing allow you to follow your intuition and relax in the process — two components of the divine feminine.


The goal here is to find something that expresses your flow.


Get More Movement

Your feminine consciousness craves freedom and movement. Do things that feel good physically. 


This could include yoga, jogging, dancing, light stretching or even walking. Free-flowing movements open your heart and allow positive energy.


Strengthen Your Intuition

Nurturing your inner divine feminine means connecting to your body’s innate wisdom. And one of the ways you can do this is by honoring your intuition - something I work deeply with my 1:1 clients.


We all have an intuition, but the trouble is we often ignore it. Leaning into your gut instincts takes practice and self-trust. You can explore this part of your psyche by meditating, spending time in nature, or using Oracle cards.


Connect With Your Body

This relates back to your intuition. What sensations are going on in your body? How does your body feel throughout the day? What does it need? 


Taking time to listen to the intuitive messages our psyche sends our body allows you to connect with your higher self. 


A simple way you can do this is by giving yourself a massage. Paying attention to each part of your divine body and getting totally present with yourself. You can also awaken your divine feminine intuition with a third eye chakra massage. 


Your third eye connects to your intuition — which, as we know, is a characteristic of the feminine divine.


Using the tip of your index finger, apply moderate pressure to the area between your eyebrows. Keeping your finger pressed on your forehead, move in a clockwise direction. Repeat as many times as necessary. 

Another powerful tool to connect to the body is the ancient practice of breath work meditation. In a session we detach from the mind to complete immerse ourselves in the wisdom and the knowing of our bodies.

 Connecting with your body via physical touch and intuition helps to foster self-love in a big way.


Check In With Yourself

Introspection helps you to get in touch with your higher self. Start by questioning why you think the things you do and why you behave in a certain way. 


Often our habits and practices are run by the autonomic hardware of our subconscious mind, influenced by society and our environment. So, you may be blocking your own flow by avoiding your true desires.


A way you can check in with yourself is by questioning yourself before you make a decision. 


For example, when shopping for new clothes, ask yourself if you’re buying a piece of clothing because you genuinely like it or because you feel pressure to conform. 


Reflecting on our actions and habits allows you to tap into your personal freedom and with practice can be one of the most powerful ways to create a life we choose.


Discover Yourself Through The Divine Feminine

It is important that we work to balance the sexual energies within ourselves. In a world that promotes masculine energies, it is even more important for women to acknowledge and nurture these sides of themselves.

Unleashing your inner divine feminine allows you to examine who you are. It encourages you to awaken a part of yourself that is compassionate, loving, playful and free.

I hope these self-care practices are a gateway for you to explore the feminine magic that lives within you and if you are looking for more please see the resources below.

For a deep exploration on how to move towards the feminine in all areas of your life I invite you to join me for a private 3 month container exploring all areas of your life to unleash the most bountiful, juicy, sensual and abundant side of yourself while creating more balance and health for mind, body & spirit.

If you feel you have specific blocks that are holding you back from unleashing your feminine I include several breathwork sessions within the three months as well as always offer private sessions. Either way you will witness yourself transformed as you move out of the masculine dominance and into sweet equilibrium with your authentic feminine selves.

****** BONUS: The UNFOLDING healing circle is also a magical and supportive space to explore the divine feminine. We incorporate several tools and practices that are very supportive of unleashing the feminine within. Please join us every full moon as we hold space for our fellow sisters.