Understanding the Chakras: THIRD EYE Chakra



We’re nearing the end of this series on the seven chakras. The second-to-last chakra is probably the most famous. Even people who don’t know much about the chakras have usually heard of the third eye chakra, known as ajna in Sanskrit.


This chakra is the center of our intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. It takes us away from a focus on individuality to see the interconnectedness of everything in the universe.


Because this is such a powerful chakra, I recommend that you work on the first five chakras before you turn your attention to your third eye. As a reminder, the previous five chakras are:


Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra


The earlier posts in this series should give you some ideas you can use to address any issues you are having with these five chakras.


When you are ready, opening your third eye chakra is your next step on the journey to a healthy and spiritually aware self. 


Associated with the color indigo, this chakra connects us with our inner wisdom, clarity, and insight. Its element is light, and it is strongly linked with the concept of enlightenment. 


When this chakra is open and balanced, we are attuned to our intuition and trust our inner compass to guide us on the right path.


Where is the Third Eye Chakra?

Many people think that the third eye is located in the center of the forehead, but it's actually a little lower. 


You’ll find the focal point of this chakra between your eyebrows, just above the bridge of your nose. It includes the eyes and brain as well.


The third eye chakra is also associated with the pineal gland in our brains. The pineal gland produces melatonin, the hormone that helps to regulate our sleep-wake cycles. Throughout history, philosophers and thinkers have linked the pineal gland with the soul.


The Third Eye Chakra in Balance

When your third eye is open and balanced, you are full of clarity and insight. You find it easy to concentrate and to make decisions.


You are connected to your intuition and trust it to guide you through life. You can usually sense which is the right path for you.


Because you are open to receiving the subtle messages of the universe, you understand that everything is interconnected. The same energy flows through every person, animal, plant, and natural object. You no longer see yourself as separate but as an integral part of the whole.


You will also feel connected to your spirituality. Your third eye helps you to formulate your beliefs about the universe and your place within it. You have a sense of a higher power and are open to receiving guidance from it.


Deficiencies in the Third Eye Chakra

When your third eye chakra is blocked or sluggish, you feel disconnected from your higher wisdom. You may find your thoughts are muddled or confused. You find it difficult to make decisions and are never sure of your true path in life.


Your focus is on the mundane physical world, and you struggle to see any greater meaning or purpose. You don’t have a clear vision for your future. Instead, you often feel like you are adrift, with no compass to show you the way.


You might find it hard to put yourself in other people’s shoes. You might also become narrow-minded or selfish.


Physically, blockages in the third eye chakra often manifest as headaches, vision issues, and difficulty sleeping. You might also experience hearing problems. 


Excesses in the Third Eye Chakra

If your third eye chakra is too open, you lack the grounding you need to keep yourself anchored in the physical world. You may find it difficult to remain present in the moment and are often distracted by your imagination.


The line between what is real and what is imaginary may become blurred. You lose yourself in daydreams and flights of fancy. The physical world loses its importance, and you may neglect your body’s needs.


What Triggers Blockages in the Third Eye Chakra?

In today’s secular world, a focus on spiritual matters and inner wisdom is often deemed less essential than material success. We are taught to rely on our physical senses at the expense of our intuition.


Few of us learn to pay attention to the subtle nudges from the universe that can guide our steps. So, it is no surprise that many people experience blockages in the third eye chakra.


How Can You Bring Your Third Eye Chakra Back into Balance?

It takes conscious work to embrace your higher awareness and open your third eye chakra. Preparing for this step by first addressing blockages in the first five chakras will give you a good grounding from which to balance your third eye chakra.


When you are ready, these suggestions will help to encourage the energy to flow openly through your third eye.


1. Yoga Poses: Head and Neck

Yoga poses that move energy through your head and help to release tension in your neck are good for removing blockages in the third eye chakra. Try poses such as child’s pose (balasana), forward fold (uttanasana), dolphin pose (makarasana), and eagle pose (garudasana).


2. Third Eye Massage

Massaging the third eye point is another way to unblock stagnant energy in this chakra. It also helps to relax the muscles of the face and increase the blood circulation to the area.


Simply place your index finger on the third eye point. Exerting a light pressure, take some deep breaths, concentrating on lengthening your inhale and exhale. Then start to massage the point by making a small circular motion with your finger. Go one way for a few breaths, then switch to the other way.


You can incorporate essential oils into your massage too. Make sure you dilute them with a good quality carrier oil. Juniper, clary sage, and frankincense are all linked to the third eye.


3. Keep a Dream Journal

Our dreams are often the voice of our intuition. However, the messages we receive in dreams can be confusing and hard to understand. We may also not remember the details for long. Keeping a dream journal will help you to remember your dreams and you might be able to interpret them more easily.


4. Be Open to New Ideas

It is easy to get stuck in the same ways of thinking. But actively seeking out new ideas and experiences can help to broaden your mind and open your third eye chakra. 


Read books from authors you haven’t yet tried, listen to music from different cultures, travel when you can. Be curious about other people’s thoughts and experiences. Cultivate an open mind.


5. Meditate

Last but definitely not least, meditation is one of the most powerful tools we have for opening the third eye. You could also chant the seed syllable associated with this chakra, which is ‘om’.


Meditation doesn’t always have to mean sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed. You might also spend time silently in nature, opening yourself to a connection with the wider world.


Combining meditation with crystals may also help you to open your third eye. Clear quartz, amethyst, and labradorite are all good crystals to use for this chakra.



Opening your third eye chakra is a lifelong process. When you connect with your intuition, embrace your spirituality, and seek higher meaning, you find yourself becoming more attuned to the world around you.