Understanding the Chakras: SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra



The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra, located in your upper abdomen. In this part of my series on the chakras, we’ll be taking a deeper look at this center of identity and personal power.


Earlier posts in this series have covered the root chakra and the sacral chakra. We’re moving our way up the body now, to the third of the lower chakras.


The solar plexus chakra, or manipura, is the seat of our personal power. Associated with fire and the color yellow, it relates to our sense of identity, self-esteem, and confidence.


With its position in the upper belly, it is no surprise that the solar plexus chakra is also linked with our digestive systems and metabolisms.


When our solar plexus chakra is open and balanced, we stand strong in ourselves, embracing our inner fire. This is the chakra of warrior energy – that confident certainty that we have the power to reach our goals.


Where is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus covers your upper abdomen, from just above your belly button to your diaphragm. 


It also covers your pancreas and digestive system, including the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and spleen.


The Solar Plexus Chakra in Balance

If you feel confident, motivated, and sure of your purpose, it is likely your solar plexus chakra is open and in balance.


This chakra is all about our personal power. When it is open, you feel in control of your life. You find it easy to make decisions and to achieve your goals.


Secure in your identity, you show up with authenticity and integrity. Your self-esteem is high, but you are not boastful or arrogant. And you are filled with motivation that doesn’t require any external input. It is fired by your belief and trust in yourself.


Deficiencies in the Solar Plexus Chakra

Many of us know how anxiety and low self-esteem can show up as digestive issues and abdominal pain. These are common signs of a blocked solar plexus chakra.


When you are experiencing a blockage in the solar plexus, your confidence in yourself is low. You find it hard to make decisions and plans. You feel like your life is out of your control.


A blocked solar plexus chakra often results in you feeling like a victim, at the mercy of external forces and other people’s whims. You find it difficult to get motivated and your willpower is low. You may struggle to stand up for yourself and the things you believe in.


Problems with the digestive system are another sign that you have a blockage here. You might experience stomach pain, indigestion, nausea, and poor eating habits. 


Fatigue and anxiety are also symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra, stemming from a lack of motivation and low self-esteem.


Excesses in the Solar Plexus Chakra

When your solar plexus is too open, it becomes overactive. If you are over-confident to the point of being brash or arrogant, this is a sign that you are experiencing an excess of energy flowing through your solar plexus chakra.


You might become stubborn and try to control other people. You might also find you are over-judgmental, criticizing others unfairly.


Anger and aggression are other symptoms of an overactive solar plexus chakra. You might find it difficult to moderate your responses and control your temper.


What Triggers Blockages in the Solar Plexus Chakra?

There are plenty of situations in modern life where our sense of self-esteem is eroded. 


Perhaps you have experienced ridicule or dismissive comments when sharing goals or dreams with someone. Maybe you have been told that your efforts aren’t good enough or have been made to feel like a failure.


You might have been held to an unattainably high standard, resulting in the sense that you are never quite good enough. Or you might have made a decision that didn’t work out as you planned, leading you to question your judgment.


It is rarely one single moment, but a series of small wounds that build up a blockage in the solar plexus chakra.


How Can You Bring Your Solar Plexus Chakra Back into Balance?

Embracing your inner fire and pushing yourself to take risks can help you unblock your solar plexus chakra and bring the flow of energy into balance. 


There are several practices you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you reclaim your personal power and rebuild your trust in yourself.


1. Yoga: Core Strength and Fire

Since fire is the element associated with the solar plexus chakra, choose yoga poses that activate your core muscles and create a sense of heat rising in this area. Options include boat pose (paripurna navasana), sage’s twist (bharadvajasana), bow pose (dhanurasana), and cobra (bhujangasana).


Poses that create a sense of power and confidence are also good for unblocking the solar plexus. Warrior (virabhadrasana) one and two and mountain pose (tadasana) are examples. 


A sun salutation sequence is another option, as it wakes up the whole body and invites in the fire energy from the sun.


2. Candle Meditation

Meditation doesn’t have to be done with your eyes closed. When you are working to unblock your solar plexus chakra, you may find it helpful to light a candle and focus on the flame as you breathe.


As you relax into meditation, imagine the warmth of the fire is spreading throughout your abdomen. Visualize the area bathed in bright, yellow light.


3. Spend Time in the Sunlight

It is easier said than done at some times of the year but spending time in the sunlight every day can help to restore balance to your solar plexus chakra. Even during the winter, aim to spend at least 10-15 minutes outdoors each day soaking up the sun’s light.


If you can, take off your shoes and socks and stand barefoot on the ground while you are outside. If you’ve been experiencing an excess of energy in the solar plexus, try energetically stomping your feet as you picture your anger flowing through you and out into the earth.


Other forms of movement, such as dance or hiking, can also be beneficial, especially if done outdoors in the sunlight.


4. Embrace New Experiences

Reclaiming your trust in yourself and your power can feel scary. But the more you embrace new experiences and allow yourself to take risks, the more open your solar plexus chakra will become.


Seek out new hobbies and challenges to rediscover your sense of self and grow your confidence.


5. Aromatherapy

Use essential oils that boost your energy and promote motivation and confidence. Citrus oils such as lemon, grapefruit, and bergamot are perfect here. Warming oils, such as black pepper and ginger, are also good choices.


6. Breathwork

Since it is located in the upper abdomen and just below the diaphragm, the solar plexus is strongly connected to the breath. Breathing exercises can help to get energy flowing freely through this chakra, removing blockages and restoring balance.


One exercise that activates the solar plexus is kapalabhat pranayama, or skull shining breath. It involves letting your breath out in a short, explosive exhale and then letting your lungs refill with a slightly slower, passive inhale.



Blockages in the solar plexus are common and are often the cause of anxiety and digestive issues. But when you bring this chakra back into balance, you reclaim your personal power. Strong in your identity, you’ll find yourself filled with confidence and motivation.