7 Things I’m loving About Doing a Podcast


Whenever you start a new project you go into things with a whole lot of excitement and some hopes for the future. Both of which my husband James, or as we call him on the show Winky, did.

We knew we wanted to connect with people that inspire us, cultivate an outlet for our own creativity and implement routine back into our pandemic living but the rest surprised us.

It has now been three months and we realized pretty quickly there was so much more to love about this process and that’s what I want to share with you today.

Whether you are interested in our personal journey or maybe you are considering starting your own podcast I would love to share with you 7 things we are loving about creating a podcast.

So in the name of being efficient let’s get right into it

  1. CONNECTION: and not just that superficial shit - were talking going deep, getting vulnerable and laying it all out there and it’s beautiful. We have been learning things about even our closest friends that we had never known because you just don’t usually have opportunities like this. Focusing over an hour to walking through life in another persons shoes and really understanding them. We have learned something massive and surprising with every episode and are so grateful in times like this to be able to go straight to the heart with so many of our guests.

  2. STORY TELLING & SHARING: James and I have always loved hearing peoples journeys- These stories have the power to change peoples lives and the ability to make others not feel so alone which is why we love them. This love for stories is actually a big part of what brought us together as a couple and if you listened to our first two episodes it was the inspiration for our original podcast. Legends & Lifestyles has allowed us to bring that passion to life and dive in to the areas we love most which are success, live entertainment, sobriety and wellness and also to see how intertwined the worlds are. It is a passion of ours to inspire people to share their story and this platform is allowing us to do that in a really fun, non judgmental and curious way. If you know anyone that has a unique, amazing or interesting outlook and take on their own story we would love for you to connect us because we want to share as many stories as we possibly can.

  3. SENSE OF NORMALCY: Before we started the show we had both went a year with absolutely no daily routine, no commitments and no real schedule and as fun as that may sound it was really hard for both of us. Having the commitment now to the show and the guests has brought such an anchor into our life. Helping us navigate the sometimes dreadfully long weeks and months with some form of purpose.

  4. COLLABORATING AS A COUPLE: Doing this project together has brought James and I so much closer because up until this we had never worked together on anything more than maybe a house renovation or small things with Viv. James is someone I have always admired as a business man and creative so collaborating together has shown us sides of one another I don’t think we would have otherwise seen. We are learning where are strong points are and have created a really strong team in our support networks and within ourselves. I think it has also created a lot more of a sexual energy between us to see this fresh side of one another and I am not complaining about that.

  5. CREATIVE OUTLET: Piggy backing on the last one we have both found that working together on the podcast has gifted us the gift of creativity. Especially for James who in his line of work is creative 24/7 it was hard for him to not have that outlet and to place that energy somewhere. And for myself I realize in this process I too need an outlet to be creative. We have great brainstorming sessions and create ideas together and the energy is electric its super fun!

  6. EXPANSION & GROWTH: When we started this we knew absolutely nothing. It’s been many many hours of us having to push our selves way out of our comfort zones and if I am being honest it hasn’t always been easy but it has definitely been worth it. For example creating interview questions or outlines, researching a guest, making up titles, delivering the podcast, designiing all the content and socials and most of all learning how to host a show together as a couple without cutting each other off or talking over people……just all of it has pushed us to a new level and beyond our comfort zone and this one in particular I am so grateful for

  7. HUMOR & LAUGHTER: Growing from all of the ones above we had had so much laughter in this process because what else can you do when you are learning as you go and taking on a huge project that you both really care about. We have cry laughed, peed our pants laughing and laughed as we cried with disappointment but nonetheless we have laughed. That is one of the things I am most graeftull for doing this with James is he doesn’t take things as seriously as me and he knows how to make me laugh when things get hard.

So those are the current things I am holding gratitude for this experience of launching Legends & Lifestyles and I know the list will only continue to grow as we grow.

It is not easy to start a podcast and I am so proud of what we have made happen in these last three months and we couldn’t have done it without all of our amazing guests and the dedicated audience that has been growing and growing with us every week.

Thank you guys so much from the bottom of our hearts - head here to listen to the show and please support us by subscribing and reviewing

When we started Legends & :Lifestyles we came in with a lot of hopes and excitement of what the project would mean. Over the past 3 months we have been on a journey together as collaborators and husband & wife for the very first time and it has come with some really delightful lessons and perks that I want to share with you all today.