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Building on my passion to heal trauma I have found myself called to the science of yIN YOGA & Fascia Release

Trauma and emotions are not psychological but rather physiological

So it makes sense that the most powerful modalities for healing incorporate the body such as yoga, dance, movement & breathe.

YIN or Restorative yoga is an incredibly gentle form of yoga that nurtures the nervous system while working with the fascia of the body where science has proven emotions from our entire lifetimes are stored. This calming of the nervous system mixed with incredibly deep fascial release is what allows trapped memories, anxieties and tensions to make their way to the surface to be released with the breathe.

It is for these reasons that I believe YIN yoga will be the perfect compliment to breathwork and I look forward to creating programs that will support your healing journeys.

sign up below for upcoming offerings as i complete my yoga alliance certified training early 2021!